My dog Romeo had soft stools and diarrhea over past 3 days. We went to the vet and she prescribed a dose of diagel and metronidazole. He has not pooped today after the diagel yesterday. Is that normal to not poop after taking that or after a case of diarrhea? Also how can I know if he still has fever? He’s been playful today and ate twice.

Updated On September 24th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Shih Tzu | Male | neutered | 7 years and 7 months old | 12 lbs

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Answered By Lauren Jones VMD


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I'm glad to hear that Romeo is playful and eating well! It sounds as though he's on the road to recovery. Don't worry - it's completely normal for dogs to go several days without having a bowel movement after experiencing diarrhea. However, if you see that he's straining to poop but can't go, or if he becomes lethargic, vomits or refuses to eat, those would be signs that he should be re-checked by his vet. The only way to know if he has a fever is by using a thermometer rectally. If he'll tolerate it, you can use any digital thermometer and insert it just half an inch or so into his rectum. A normal body temperature for dogs is 100.5 F to 102.5 F. That said, since he's eating and playing normally, and the diarrhea has subsided, there really isn't a need to check his temperature. I hope that everything continues to go well!

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