My elderly parakeet has had his overgrown beak trimmed twice in two months. Now he is on a pellet diet, which he LOVES, and his droppings are very loose. He is constantly fluffed up, putting his head into his back feathers, seems to not feel well. Very little singing or activity. I put a 4W nightlight into his cage in case he was cold, but it seems to make no difference. What could be wrong? What should I do?

Updated On September 26th, 2020

Pet's info: Bird | Parakeet | Male | unneutered | 5 years and 10 months old

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Answered By Todd Cecil


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Thanks for reaching out about Cody. Liver disease is a common cause of overgrown beaks, an often has a high fat diet as the cause. Blood work to test liver function is recommended to diagnose. A liver biopsy might be needed for a confirmed diagnosis for causation. Dietary change to a low fat diet is an important component for treatment, but medications might be needed also, and need to be prescribed by your veterinarian. Head support in the 80-85 F range can give some aid. Good luck.

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