A dog I'm considering adopting has a Grade IV to V heart murmur that was never treated from what we can tell. He came up from Florida and didn't have an records on this. Gizmo was then seen by a veterinarian. The X-ray showed enlargement of his heart so he was put on Vetmedin and Enalapril. I'm trying to find out how his conditions may affect his daily life, and life expectancy, as well as the possible financial implications of adopting this dog.

Updated On September 27th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Female | spayed | 8 years and 8 months old | 18 lbs

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Answered By Lindsey Edwards MVB, BSc, IVCA


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This would need to be discussed with the treating vet but such a significant heart murmur will require ongoing management and lifelong medication which is not inexpensive. It is likely to have an impact on both overall life expectancy and exercise intolerance, the underlying heart disease cannot be cured and symptomatic treatment aims to reduce the severity of the symptoms and slow down progression. If finance (or a very active lifestyle) is a concern then you should think very carefully before adopting such a dog.

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