My 3 month old puppy poodle mix wouldn’t walk on his front left leg a few weeks ago and I took him to the vet they thought it was either a bug/spider/mosquito bite. He also had what looked like the start of conjunctivitis so they sent me with pain meds and eye drops. well her I am two weeks later and both his eyes are swollen and crusty, as well as now his ear and muzzle/chin.i have been back to the vet 3 times and they now gave me an antibiotic for him and drops for his ears. I’m so frustrated
Updated On October 6th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered | 3 months and 12 days old | 5 lbs
Answered By Ana M, DVM 217
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Thank you for submitting your question regarding your Tropper. I am sorry to hear about all of his recent troubles. I agree that I would be very frustrated as well. Has your veterinarian offered a diagnosis as this point? The eyes appear to have hair loss around them and crusts still present. This can occur in cases of a severe food allergy, infection, or in some cases a drug reaction. Drug reactions are very rare and it is not possible to predict if it will occur. But I do see them on occasion. You can consider seeking a second opinion with a different veterinarian or it may be beneficial to see a board certified veterinary dermatologist at this point. I hope this information helps!
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