Hi we are breeding my special breed cats . The question i have is my female is a year and 6 months and our male cat is just over a year old. My male cat when he tries to mate with our female doesn't quite get it right and will hump her back rather than actual mating and our female doesn't help as she just flops all over the place. Do I help them or will they eventually work it out for themselves. I have loving homes for when they eventually have kittens.
Updated On October 12th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Bengal | Male | unneutered | 1 year and 1 month old
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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If the female is in heat, she'll allow breeding. If she's just flopping over, it's possible she isn't currently in heat, and that's why it isn't working out. Cats tend to be seasonal breeders where they go into heat starting in the spring and will stay in heat until fall or until they become pregnant. I also highly recommend having both cats seen by a theriogenologist (veterinary reproductive specialist) to ensure both cats are healthy and OK to breed together. Working with this vet long term can also help you tract heat cycles, breeding health, and the health and care of mom and kittens.
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