Updated On October 12th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | 10 lbs
Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM 183
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Hello. Samson may have allergies, or a parasitic skin infection, such as what is seen with fleas & skin mites. Ear infections can also cause a cat to scratch in some of these areas. Have you spoke to your neighbors to see if they are aware of the cat's condition? Perhaps they are have financial difficulties. You can certainly offer to purchase & apply a good flea & tick product on Samson ( Bravecto for cats is an excellent choice ), or even volunteer to take Samson to the vet at least one time. You can also supply Samson with some extra food, when he comes by. Seeing a pet in need is a sad thing, especially when all you can do is stand by & watch. Do whatever you can to help this poor guy, but just be aware, not all people appreciate unsolicited advice or assistance. Good luck with Samson & thanks for contacting PetCoach.
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