My dog is housebroken and is starting to urinate uncontrollably. He is a year now and has been with us for about a month, he was abused and deprived of interaction at a shelter and now even with his walk schedule it keeps happening, and I can’t raise my voice of yell “ What are you doing?” or “OUTSIDE” because he starts peeing. This guys gotten like 4 baths in 2 days. He does drink a lot of water as he came with this automatic water distributor that I don’t use, but even so I’m just concerned.

Updated On October 15th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Large (61lb +) | Male | unneutered | 105 lbs

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding King. I recommend that he sees a veterinarian to ensure that he is not experiencing a medical issue. He will be examined and likely have a urine sample tested. There are diseases that cause a dog to drink excessive water and urinate more or that will cause inappropriate urination. If he is deemed healthy, then behavioral modifications can be discussed. I would start by treating him like a young puppy. Do not leave him out in the house without complete supervision. Take him outside every 1-2 hours to allow ample opportunities to go potty outside. Praise him profusely when he goes outside. I hope this information helps!

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