I found an engorged tick on my dog's neck after a hike we took 1 week ago. I removed the tick and cleaned the area, but do I need to take her in for a vet visit? She gets treated monthly with Advantage Multi, but it doesn't cover ticks.

Updated On October 17th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | 35 lbs

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Answered By Lauren Jones VMD


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As long as the area on Miley's skin looks okay (no significant redness or swelling), then you don't need to take her to the vet right away after finding an attached tick. If the tick was attached for long enough to transmit disease, like Lyme disease, Ehrlichia or Anaplasma, then it takes about 6 months for a blood test to diagnose an infection. Unfortunately, there are no measures to take to stop any of these diseases if she's already been infected. I would certainly mention this tick attachment to Miley's vet the next time she goes in for an exam because her vet will most likely recommend running a tick-borne disease blood test about 6 months from the date of tick exposure. In the long run, definitely add some tick prevention in for Miley. Seresto collars, K9 Advantix II, Bravecto, Nexgard, Simparica or Credelio are all great options to discuss with your vet. I hope this helps and that everything goes well!

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    Answered By Ana M, DVM


    Thank you for submitting your question regarding Miley. Yes, I do recommend that qhe sees her veterinarian. You will want to discuss a proper tick preventive for her. Ticks are able to spread infectious diseases to pets so this should be discussed as well. I hope this information helps!

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