15yr old female long hair domestic cat hx stage 3 CKD. soft tissue cancer on her hind leg at ankle joint which is complicated location. cancer dx July 2020, FNA was inconclusive. Preop labs 10/2020 new dx stage 3 CKD, no previous vet care. What is best cancer treatment for quality of life? Limb amputation vs local excision of the lesion given cancer will return & possible wound complications. Other options? Overweight, no symptoms or other chronic illness. No medication
Updated On October 18th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | American Longhair | Female | spayed | 15 lbs
Answered By Jenna Beyer, DVM, MBA, cVMA 181
Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist
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That's a complicated recommendation to give, especially since we don't know the type of cancer. It is possible that local excision could be curative. It is also possible that after local excision and a diagnosis from histopathology, we find that amputation is needed. In my opinion solely based on the pictures, I would probably remove the tumor and not try to get aggressive clean borders and wait to see what the tumor is before doing anything more drastic.
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