My dog was in her crate and when I came home her collar was choking her. She is breathing fine and seems to be ok, just shaken up. Her throat may be sore, as she doesn't want to bark and is whining a bit. Her eyes are not bloodshot or anything. Just wanted to make sure there weren't any underlying issues/effects that I need to be worried about throughout the night. Our vet opens in the morning

Updated On October 23rd, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Husky | Female | spayed | 2 months and 22 days old | 14 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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That must have been terrifying for both you and Bubbles! Poor girl! If she is breathing fine and her eyes are not bloodshot, she sounds like she could be ok. I am concerned she doesn't want to bark and is whining but she probably does have some pain. Unfortunately there are no OTC pain relievers you can give her. Many human ones are toxic to dogs and can be fatal if given. I would monitor her tonight and have her checked out by a vet in the morning to be safe. I hope this helps!

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