My dog has these raw spots from a long walk while wearing an ill-fitting sweater on Thursday. Does it look like it’s healing? What would it look like if it were infected? I have been trying to apply MicrocynAH Wound and Skin Care but she tries to bite me when I do, so haven’t had much success. Any tips for how I can apply medicine to a fearful dog? Thank you! (She has also been on Metronidazole for severe acute diarrhea since Friday if that’s relevant to skin infections)

Updated On October 25th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Female | spayed | 1 year and 10 months old | 30 lbs

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Answered By Debi Matlack

Veterinary Technician

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The area doesn't look too red or swollen. Infection would probably manifest as drainage, swelling, and/or more redness. Try working with her with some kind of treat she loves. Start by petting her and letting her relax, give treats occasionally as long as she remains calm. If she becomes tense, back off until she calms again. Don't start by trying to medicate her, the wound doesn't look like it needs much care to heal right now. As she is calm, try to get her into position to medicate the area, have the medicine nearby so she can see it, but don't use it if she becomes tense. Offer tiny bits of treat as long as she stays quiet. Only move forward as long as she remains calm. Keep these training sessions short, only five or ten minutes at most, and always end on a positive note, even if all she does is 'sit' to get her treat. This will help her looks forward to her training. Also, if she likes to go for walks, play fetch, go for runs, whatever physical activity she enjoys, do that with her. A tired dog is a happy dog and physical activity can do wonders for fear and anxiety in dogs.

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