My dog is a rescue mastiff cross. Whwen he walks he has characteristic "Queen Anne" rear legs. When he comes to greet me in the morning he offers me his rear end and I heavily massage his back in front of his tail. He seems to benefit from this. His tail becomes rigid and I thought at first that it was some sort of sexual behaviour. I have not seen this mentioned as normal behaviour.

Updated On October 25th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Large (61lb +) | Male | neutered | 70 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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This is normal. Sometimes it's hard for dogs to reach that back area, so when it's scratched, they get a lot of pleasure from it. Cats can behave the same way when you scratch that area as well. It's not sexual. I hope this helps!

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