I have a 6 month old male puppy he is a Romania rescue puppy who I Foster he is very fearful due to being abused and dumped with his mum and sisters he hasn't been drinking today or been to the toilet he seems very dkpressed

Updated On October 30th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered | 4 months and 29 days old

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Answered By Jenna Beyer, DVM, MBA, cVMA

Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist

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This could just be related to his significant anxiety, or it could be early signs of illness, especially parvo virus if he hasn’t been fully vaccinated. You can try offering a bland diet of chicken breast and cooked white rice to encourage him to eat (you can add a little extra broth for hydration). But if he isn’t doing better tomorrow, he needs to see a vet to determine if there is a medical cause for the change.

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