Why is my cat still urinating outside of the litter box even though he just got treated for a UTI around three weeks ago? I have tried feliway for stress and that hasn’t been helping. I also bought him a second litter box and ever since then he hasn’t used his old litter box. During the month of September I had to travel with him for about two weeks and he stayed in a different house with another cat. Ever since then he has been urinating outside the litter box. Shortly after he got a UTI.
Updated On November 8th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Ragdoll | Male | neutered | 9 months old
Answered By Debi Matlack 50
Veterinary Technician
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Some cats are very sensitive to change and stress and can develop urinary issues because of it. There are also calming food and treats that you may consider trying, Hills and Royal Canin both offer excellent diets for this. He may need time to settle in, he may need further medications to ensure his UTI is cleared, it may have recurred because of the stress of travel, he may have a condition called Feline idiopathic cystitis. This is cystitis or an inflamed bladder which has an unexplained medical cause. It is a common condition and is not normally a serious health concern, but can be very uncomfortable for your cat. FIC is more common in younger felines and episodes tend to resolve as they get older. FIC is different from a bladder infection, bladder stones or more serious urinary tract conditions, but can often present the same symptoms. I recommend getting him back in to see your vet and discuss these possibilities with them.
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