I just got a puppy three days ago. She is 6 weeks old. She had her shots on Saturday (the day I got her). Her stool was runny one time that day. The next day it was fine and today it has been runny again. I’m wondering if it’s just from the stress of new people and a new home. There is no blood and it is normally colored. She is acting fine other than that.

Updated On November 9th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Australian Shepherd - miniature | Female | unspayed | 1 month and 13 days old | 5 lbs

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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It is likely due to ta combination of the stress form a new home and from vaccines. Submit a stool sample to your veterinarian to diagnose intestinal parasites (worms) which are common in puppies. As long as she is behaving normally, you can feed her a bland diet in small frequent amounts until the stool is normal. Transition slowly to her puppy food afterwards. A veterinary probiotic may also help to promote gut health. Brands include Bene-Bac, FortiFlora, ProStora or Pro-Viable.

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