Hello, Can you please tell us if the antibiotic "Veraflox" is toxic to a cat with mild kidney disiase? Our 16 year old cat "Tigger" was on it for 5 weeks for e coli. The e coli was cured. A week later she had some diarrhea and received it again for 5 days. She quickly went downhill. She also had inflammatory bowel disease. Drastic weight loss, dehydration and did not eat for t3 days. We were forced to put her to sleep. We feel the drug pushed her off the edge. What is your opinion?

Updated On November 12th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | American Bobtail Shorthair | Female | 16 years and 7 months old | 4 lbs

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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It isn't toxic per se, but it should be used with caution in pets with kidney disease. Kidney disease is an insidious condition because a pet can show no clinical signs until one day they are suddenly "sick". This is because most pets can be asymptomatic until they lose about 75% of kidney function. Once diagnosed, we are already "behind the 8 ball" in treatment. It is likely a combination of all her conditions contributed to her downward spiral, especially at 16 years old. I am sorry for the loss of Tigger. May she rest in peace.

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