I believe a kitten that I am fostering has ringworm. I have tried to schedule an appointment with my vet but it’s in a week and I want to know if I can treat him now before it gets any worse. His skin is scaly and he’s been scratching his ears to the point of them bleeding. Will it harm him if I treat him for ringworm even if I am not 100% he has it?

Updated On November 24th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered | 2 months and 23 days old | 1lb

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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While I don't think it will harm Sunny, unfortunately there are no OTC treatments you can use on him. I have never come across a topical medication that has been effective for treating ringworm in cats aside from prescription-based lime sulfur dips. The concern is that the Microsporum canis (fungal organism causing ringworm) is spread diffusely throughout a cat's entire hair coat, such that an isolated topical spray will not cover all surfaces of every hair, and lead to frequent recurrence. He needs a topical prescription medication. I would call his vet to see if there is way you can get him on a cancellation list to get him in sooner. Only touch him with gloves so you don't get it as well. Best of luck.

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