My 15 year old cockerpoo who is 20 pounds. He is having bad tooth pain. He has kidney disease and was diagnosed with pancreatitis a few weeks ago. The pancreatitis seems to be doing better with a change in diet. My question is it safe to give him 1, 50mg Tramadol that was prescribed for my other dog or quarter of a low dose aspirin for his pain until I can get a hold of his vet tomorrow?
Updated On December 1st, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | American Cocker Spaniel | Male | unneutered | 14 years and 11 months old | 19 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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No this is not safe to do at all. The medication isn't prescribed for Buddy and it may not be the correct dose. Plus aspirin is never safe to give dogs, it causes GI bleeding and ulcers. I would get him into his vet first thing in the morning. Best of luck.
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