Hello, I have a senior cat that keeps coughing like he is dry heaving. He has been prescribed antibiotics for 8 weeks now and though the coughing has reduced from 5-8x a day to 2-3x if not only once. The vet we have taken him to suggests it may be asthma. If it is asthma what should I look for in symptoms? what are the treatment options? Can cats develop asthma as they become seniors? My cat had never had these coughs before.
Updated On December 15th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 4 lbs
Answered By Dr. Paula Simons 43
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I would have x-rays taken of Leo's chest to rule out asthma versus another type of lung disease. If he has asthma the treatment is generally inhaled and/or oral corticosteroids. Cats can develop asthma symptoms at any time. Generally, it occurs earlier in life. The best way to diagnose asthma is with x-rays and or bronchoalveolar wash.
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