We just moved house, cat was stressed in the car, and panting. He hid once we got to the new house and after a few hours decided to explore the house. He drank a lot of water later and peed a few times. I work up at around 4am to him constantly going to the litter box and peeing only a little bit. He was also drinking a bit of water.

Updated On December 17th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Male | neutered | 1 year and 11 months old | 12 lbs

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Answered By Debi Matlack

Veterinary Technician

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Some cats can get stress related cystitis and this may be what is going on. I do strongly recommend getting him checked by a vet as soon as possible. Trying to urinate and not producing much could also be a sign of urinary stones and if his urinary tract becomes blocked and he is unable to urinate, this becomes a life-threatening condition. Your vet will do an exam, labwork, possibly x-rays, and based on these results will be better able to tell you what is wrong and how best to treat it.

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