Today I took my female miniature schnauzer to the vets to check a rash that has appeared on her belly that has been diagnosed as a skin infection and she is now on antibiotics, all of which I am happy with however, the vet said that my dog is overweight despite only weighing 5.7kg. Should I be concerned? Also the vet has said that my dog needs teeth removing due to plaque build up. Should I be worried about this procedure? I feel awful not knowing how to help her. Any advice would be great! Ty!

Updated On December 22nd, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Miniature Schnauzer | Female | spayed

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Answered By Debi Matlack

Veterinary Technician

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The diagnosis of overweight is based on body condition as well as breed. Body condition is similar to the BMI score in people. When your dog is in good body condition you should be able to feel her ribs and hips with gentle pressure, the bones should be covered but able to be felt. This chart may help you visualize what she should look more like: Getting a dental for your dog will help her a great deal in the future by keeping her mouth and teeth healthy. Tartar buildup causes gum disease and allows bacteria from the mouth to enter the bloodstream and cause heart problems. There is always some risk in general anesthesia, but as long as she is healthy otherwise and she has good results from preoperative bloodwork, that risk in reduced. Discuss your concerns with your vet, part of their job is to help you understand your pet's health and explain it in a way that you can understand so you can make the best decisions for her. If they are unable or unwilling to do so, you might consider finding a veterinarian that will.

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