Today I noticed this on my kitten's paw. The last time I looked at her paw was 3 days ago when I trimmed her nails (it was normal then) but i don't think I trimmed them too far down, and the nail is still intact on the other side beside the growth in the picture. It looks like it's sprouting up from the toe pad but I'm not sure? Also, if it means anything, she does chew on her toes sometimes when grooming, but that may not be the cause. The growth is pink and "scaly" looking. What could this be?
Updated On January 2nd, 2021
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 4 months and 5 days old | 4 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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The area looks red and swollen and I'm concerned the area may be infected. It could there is a foreign body in there causing the infection, Mochi may have injured herself, or it could be a growth but not too likely in a kitten her age. Without seeing her in person, I can't say for certain. You need to have her seen by a vet to have this diagnosed and treated. I'd see if you can take her into a vet this weekend, or Monday. Best of luck.
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