Hi, my 5 month old kitten has a cloudy right eye. She isn’t acting differently but her eye is noticeably cloudy. I’ve researched online and I know she will need to see her vet, but the office is closed today. I’m wondering if you think this is an emergency and if I need to take her an emergency vet hospital today. Thank you!

Updated On January 10th, 2021

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Female | spayed | 6 lbs

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Piper. If she is squinting, pawing at her eye, the eye is red or bulging or if she has stopped eating, drinking or is hiding, then she needs to see an emergency veterinarian. If she is otherwise normal and you have just noticed the eye, it should be able to wait until morning. The veterinarian will examine her and likely recommend testing to reach a diagnosis. For example, a dye test on the eye is used to diagnose a scratch across the surface of the eye. I hope this information helps!

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