Hi there. My 6 month old cocker spaniel has an over shot jaw, all her puppy teeth have fallen out now but in the picture are still in. I’m a bit concerned because her bottom canines seem to be growing behind the top canines. Her bottom canines are not digging into the roof of her mouth. I’m wondering if the placement of her teeth is something to worry about? I would rather not take her to the vet if it’s not necessary and it could correct itself over time. Some thoughts/ advice would be great.

Updated On January 12th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Cocker Spaniel | Female | unspayed | 6 months and 11 days old

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Thanks for the picture, it's very helpful. I see what you mean about Lyla's teeth. Tooth problems like this do not correct themselves over time; in fact, they can get worse. In saying that, it doesn't look like her jaw is too over shot but this is something that should be checked out by a vet. I would give her vet a call to make her an appointment. Best of luck.

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