My puppy has just received his last DHPP shot, the 4th one, at 14 weeks. The rescue did them every two weeks beginning at 6 weeks. Is my puppy protected? Is he finished too early?

Updated On January 15th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Australian Shepherd | Male | neutered | 2 months and 25 days old | 5 lbs

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Answered By Lauren Jones VMD


It's recommended to give the DHPP vaccine every 3-4 weeks from 6 weeks of age until AT LEAST 16 weeks of age. (Some recommendations are starting to shift to 20 weeks for the last puppy vaccination.) The reason for this is that the antibodies that the mom transfers to puppies through their milk begin to wane sometime around 10-16 weeks of age. Therefore, it's important that puppies receive their final booster vaccine after the maternal antibodies have faded so that they can mount their own immune system response and develop their own longer-lasting antibodies. I would definitely talk to your vet about getting one more booster for Bandit between 17-18 weeks of age because I would not consider him to be protected at this point. After that point, he would need another DHPP vaccine next year.

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