We adopted a female cat about 7-9 months, she's neutered and got her vaccine which should be done again next year. A friend gave her to us who found her outside and fostered her and took her to vet. The doctor said she's healthy but what concerns me (I've recently lost a kitten because she was sick and i didn't know, so I get paranoid) is the inner eye corners of her eyes. I thought at first it's just her eye shape but then I've read online that it may be sign of a problem. What should we do??

Updated On January 23rd, 2021

Pet's info: Cat | Aegean | Female | spayed | 9 months and 22 days old

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. When the third eyelids are prominent, then this could be an indication that a cat is unwell, but from your picture, Nojiko looks perfectly healthy, bright & alert. Just a corner of the third eyelids are visible, which can be perfectly normal in many cats. Any concerns, you should contact your veterinarian for a much more thorough examination. Thanks for contacting PetCoach.

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