My new puppy has kennel cough, not vigorous. She is 8weeks old and had her first vaccination in the 18th. Any need to be alarmed or to take her in to see a vet? I read a bunch and people were all over the board. Thank you

Updated On January 26th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Goldendoodle | Female | unspayed | 1 month and 28 days old | 7 lbs

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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As long as she is behaving normally and eating/drinking, there is no cause for concern. Kennel cough is self limiting, meaning it will typically resolve on its own in about 2 weeks though the cough may linger. Monitor for lethargy, loss of appetite, difficulty breathing or discharge from the mouth or nose. 10 minutes in a steamy bathroom (NOT in the the shower) may help loosen congestion and ease breathing. A humidifier in the room can also help. If the cough is severe, ask your veterinarian bout a cough suppressant. Do not give anything OTC without first speaking with your vet.

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