I am looking into adopting a Romanian rescue dog, he is a 7-year-old small mixed breed. When he was found he was having a seizure and his blood tests indicate liver problems. He has been on liver supplements and a low fat diet for two months, but his ALT has increased from 110 to 136, and his albumin has decreased from 32 to 27. I would like an idea of what further tests he may need as he will need further treatment but they do not have the resources where he is. Thanks

Updated On January 31st, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Male | neutered | 7 years old | 22 lbs

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Answered By Anna M., DVM


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Hello, and thanks for using PetCoach. When you get Rocky I would have your own primary vet repeat the bloodwork to get an updated baseline, and because the units measured and normal range can differ from one lab machine to another. If decreased liver function is suspected, you should plan to run a fasted bile acids (liver function blood test). The next diagnostic step would then likely be an ultrasound with a liver biopsy, if your vet thinks that’s necessary. Of course, I would defer to the vet who’s actually examining the dog, as there may be clues in the exam to justify going a different direction with diagnostics. But this is what I’d be anticipating. Hope this helps.

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