Hi! My cat does this thing where he is in mid-bath and he starts licking the bedsheet near the paw or whatever body part he was cleaning. He smells it and licks it for minutes on end until I kind of ask him to stop. lol. He's otherwise very healthy and happy. Not overweight and eats Vet recommended wet and dry food. Clean fur and the bedsheets he licks are clean too so it's not like he's investigating a smell.

Updated On February 2nd, 2021

Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | Male | neutered | 8 years and 1 month old | 10 lbs

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Nico. This can be a common behavior in cats. It can be related to dental pain. I recommend checking his mouth for any bad breath, tartar or gingivitis or a broken tooth. This can also happen when a patient is nauseous. Has he recently vomited, been drooling or experienced a lack of appetite? If not, his behavior likely not concerning. Many cats will do this as an extension of grooming. It can be a compulsive habit or just a random behavior the cat will display from time to time. Assess him for the problems that I have mentioned. However, if he is otherwise healthy, then it shouldn't be a problem for him. I hope this information helps!

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