my 17 lb. dachshund just ate 1 vitamin D gel pill, it was 50 mcg (2000 IU). Is this toxic for him, I'm very worried
Updated On February 7th, 2021
Pet's info: Dog | Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired) | Male | neutered | 1 year and 1 month old | 17 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Scooter has consumed 0.05mg. Symptoms of Vitamin D toxicosis can be seen with doses as low as 0.1mg/kg, and a lethal dose in a mature dog can be as low as 2mg/kg. He is 7.72kg, so he has consumed 0.0065mg/kg. As you can see, that is under the dose needed for toxicity. Just make sure he does not eat any more! I hope this helps!
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