Hi,I am begging for help!We are living in Ukraine and veterinary medicine here is very low quality.My cat is 7 years old, one month ago his behaviour changed, he lost weight, vomiting, was very depressed. We put them to vet clinic here and he was diagnosed with ketoacidosis, kidney failure, which most likely were caused by diabetes.Now he is taking therapy but our doctor said chances of survival are small,15%.They recommend to us to put him to sleep.What will be the best option for him?Thank you

Updated On February 20th, 2021

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Male | unneutered | 7 years and 1 month old | 6 lbs

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Answered By Anna M., DVM


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I'm so sorry to hear that Dominic isn't doing well. Unfortunately, complications from uncontrolled diabetes can be very severe, and it sounds like Dominic is extremely sick. Sometimes cats in ketoacidosis can be stabilized and saved, but it requires intense hospitalization and care, and even then many cats cannot be saved. If Dominic is showing evidence of kidney failure, and your vet is recommending putting him to sleep, it sounds like his chances of improving to a good quality of life are not good. I have to defer to your vet's recommendations since they are familiar with the specifics of Dominic's case - but euthanasia is definitely something that I recommend in cases where the chances of improving are very small and the cat is suffering. It would not be wrong for you to choose this course of action given Dominic's poor prognosis. I'm so very sorry you are going through this. I hope this helps. All the best to you and Dominic.

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