Okay so my dog got diagnosed with heartworms so the vet perscribed the pretreatment medications doxycycline and prednisone. We are on day 19 of the medications. She has been having accidents for the past few days and her urine smells awful. I let her out about an hour-an hour and a half prior to one of these accidents and when i took her utside she had peed for so long. I thought she might have a UTI, but i figured the doxycycline would kill it. Is this a side effect?

Updated On February 20th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Female | spayed | 4 years and 4 months old | 40.2 lbs

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Answered By Anna M., DVM


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Drinking and urinating more is a common side effect of prednisone. I recommend talking to your vet; they may adjust Arizona’s dose of prednisone if the urinating is really excessive. And they may want to check a urine sample just to make sure there isn’t a UTI; doxycycline is an antibiotic but urinary infections are still possible. Hope this helps!

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