Hi! I rescued a dog and her puppies from the street about 3 weeks ago. The mom has gushing from her eyes, greenish sometimes. It has not disappeared even though I have cleansed her eye many times. Now it seems one of her puppies is getting the same but it is only on one eye. What could it be?
Updated On February 23rd, 2021
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | unspayed
Answered By Debi Matlack 50
Veterinary Technician
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It's probably some kind of infection that should be seen by a veterinarian. Without an exam there's no way to know just what the cause is and therefore finding the correct treatment is difficult. Keeping it clean is helpful, but she may need antibiotics and topical medication to clear the infection and keep it from spreading further to the rest of the pips.
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