Hello, I would like to ask a question for a friend. His dog started scratching his muzzle in the last few days and it caused some bruises (photo attached). Can you please advice why is he doing it and what to do to prevent him from doing it?

Updated On March 13th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Jack Russell Terrier | Male | unneutered

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Jerry. I recommend that he sees a veterinarian. He appears have really irritated his muzzle and I worry that it could be infected. The veterinarian will examine him and evaluate his mouth. Dental disease can be painful, for example, and cause him to scratch his face. Based on his exam, the doctor can prescribe any necessary medications to help him heal. In the meantime, I recommend placing an E-collar on him to prevent further self-trauma to the area. I hope this information helps!

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