Hi vets! My kitty Mae snuck into an unfinished attic-like area of my new home. We couldn't get her out of there for a good while. Finally had to hunt for her as she didn't want to come out. Anyway, there is exposed pink insulation in the walls. I don't know if she came in direct contact with the insulation. But she was definitely in there long enough to have been exposed to fibers in the air? I didn't even think much of it until today when I heard her wheezing/coughing. Is this something she
Updated On March 16th, 2021
Pet's info: Cat | Russian Blue | Female | spayed | 8 years and 11 months old | 8.5 lbs
Answered By Anna M., DVM 167
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Hi there! Looks like your question got cut off but I'll do my best to answer. Fiberglass insulation is pretty common, and being in the general vicinity isn't too concerning, so I wouldn't necessarily panic based on your description..... however, if Mae was crawling directly in the insulation, or sleeping on it, etc then it could cause problems. Those little glass particles in the insulation can cause irritation to exposed skin if a pet rubs up against it or walks on it, and if she was spending any significant time breathing right next to the insulation (such as sleeping on it) it could definitely cause some irritation in her lungs. The safest bet would definitely be to have a vet take a look, and they may want to take x-rays to make sure her lungs look ok. Respiratory issues in cats are always worth erring on the safe side. Hope this helps!
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