My Shih-Tzu, Jackson, is 12yrs+ at least. He has been diagnosed with "mild" Collapsing Trachea and chronic bronchitis, was put on prednisolone until that stopped controlling his coughing, now is on aminophylline 100mg every 12 hours. He has recently developed what I think is an eye infection, green discharge, pawing at eyes, red. Is it common for dogs with coll. trach. to develop eye infections? My 2nd vet attempt isn't very responsive, at this point in treatment, is it wise to switch vets?

Updated On April 5th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Shih Tzu | Male | neutered | 10 lbs

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Answered By Penelope Graben, DVM


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Hi there,

It is possible that Jackson has an eye infection. I also worry about older Shih Tzu's developing dry eye, or keratoconjunctivitis sicca. This causes redness and green discharge from the eye. It does require life long eye medications. The redness in the eye and the squinting is a sign of pain.
I think this likely has nothing to do with his collapsing trachea or bronchitis, but I suppose a seasonal allergy component is possible here if his eyes are truly infected and it's not dry eye.
I would recommend getting Jackson to a vet sometime in the next two days, and going to a different vet clinic if that's what you need to do to have him seen and his eye pain controlled. Many veterinarians are unfortunately overwhelmed with appointment requests in the pandemic.
I hope this is helpful. Thanks for using PetCoach.

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