Hi there, I just got this little fella and I can't tell if his feet are covered in caked-on dirt or if it's something else. I've done a bit of research and think it could be mites/Cnemidocoptes but an informed opinion would be highly appreciated!

Updated On April 15th, 2021

Pet's info: Bird | Finch | Male

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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If he will allow, you can soak his feet in warm water. Caked on dirt will dissolve. To diagnose mite infection, Rascal will need to be physically examined by your veterinarian or an experienced avian veterinarian. Skin scrapes may provide a diagnosis. Treatment may be a combination of systemic medication (typically ivermectin) and topical treatment of the feet. It will yake time to resolve a severe mite infection. Maintain a clean cage and provide a healthy, varied diet.

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