12 week puppy(Australian shepherd/lab) is 10 pounds and ate a milk chocolate hershey kiss. What do I do?

Updated On April 15th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Female | unspayed | 2 months and 26 days old | 10 lbs

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Answered By Lauren Jones VMD


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There's no need to panic! One milk chocolate Hershey's kiss does not contain nearly enough caffeine and theobromine to cause any significant problems for Maze. At the worst, she may experience a little bit of stomach upset with vomiting and diarrhea in a day or two. Had she eaten baker's chocolate, cocoa powder, or very dark chocolate, I'd be very concerned, as the caffeine and theobromine in these types of chocolate can cause cardiac and neurologic issues. After this tiny amount of milk chocolate, there's nothing you need to do!

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