Did not see Pepper eat grapes (know they are very toxic) but my son was eating grapes cut in quarters and I am not sure if he dropped a piece (he didn’t feed her any). Pepper threw up two long log shaped piles of vomit 4/5 hrs later (mostly kibble and peas) and in it I saw what could be two tiny pieces of grape. I am terrified. She ate more kibble after and wanted to play. No more vomit since that 1 episode. She goes to Vet mon for yearly. Will she be ok until then? Should I be worried?
Updated On April 24th, 2021
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | 4 years and 4 months old | 12 lbs
Answered By Jenna Beyer, DVM, MBA, cVMA 181
Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist
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Grapes are such a difficult thing to discuss, because we aren’t exactly how many and what kinds are toxic to dogs. Generally, very small amounts aren’t likely to cause any issues. I think it would be a good idea to discuss this with your vet on Monday. Grapes can cause kidney failure, so it might be a good idea to go ahead and check her kidney values on blood work and check a urinalysis as a baseline to monitor for any future changes. Since it has been so long since she could have eaten the grapes, and has already vomited once, I don’t see any reason to induce vomiting again. I have little kids and dogs, I get it, it’s hard to keep them from gobbling up the dropped stuff! When you are serving things like grapes, it would be safest to keep Pepper away from the table. You can have her in a dog kennel, baby gate the eating area, or save the grapes as an outside snack while Pepper stays inside.
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