Hi hope all is well. My cat's leg or tail was slammed in a car door. I couldnt tell as I just jumped to opening the door asap when I heard him yowl. Its been ~45 minutes and he seems to be walking normally, I cant feel any difference between any of his legs and he doesnt act like it hurts when Im touching his legs. He is flapping his tail around harder than usual and seems to stop from sitting down on his hind legs a few times before finally sitting which isnt normal. Any advice on what to do?
Updated On May 4th, 2021
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 12 years and 4 months old
Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM 183
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Hello. I am so sorry about poor Jordan. Based on what you describe, it sounds like it was his tail that was caught in the door. The question you need to ask is how painful was this for him? If he is still uncomfortable & flapping his tail around tomorrow, I encourage to let your veterinarian take a look, possibly take an x-ray, & put Jordan on a couple of days of pain medication. I do hope he is feeling better soon & thanks for contacting PetCoach.
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