Hello, my cat Bowie is 4 years old with no known health issues. Today I noticed her drooling, which she has never done before, and when i checked her gums they seemed more pale than usual. I can't quite tell if her mouth is swollen or not. Do you think I should take her to the veterinarian? Thanks, Emerson
Updated On May 7th, 2021
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 4 years and 4 months old | 12.5 lbs
Answered By Lauren Jones VMD 119
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Hi Emerson! From the picture, the color of Bowie's gums look quite normal - nice and pink. In the future, when you're looking at her gum color, I find that it's easier to assess using the upper gums since the lips sit closer to the lower gums. Drooling in cats can be due to dental disease or pain, nausea, or the ingestion of something unpleasant (oftentimes different plants). If Bowie is otherwise eating, drinking, and acting normally, and you can't find any plants or debris that she may have chewed on recently, there's no major cause for concern and you can continue to keep an eye on her at home. However, if she's lethargic, refusing to eat or drink normally, or starts to vomit, then you should seek veterinary attention. I hope that everything goes well!
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