My dog Mechas is 11 years old and it was diagnosed with diabetes last week. This morning his blood sugar was 89. I didn’t give insulin, after he eat I rechecked his blood sugar and it was 204. Should I give him the insulin?

Updated On May 9th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Male | neutered | 11 years and 2 months old | 29 lbs

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Answered By Debi Matlack

Veterinary Technician

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Yes, he should get some insulin now. The usual starting dose is about ¼ unit per pound of body weight. Thus, a 20 lb. dog would start at 5 units; 40 lb. at 10 units, and so on. So at 29 pounds, he should get about 7 units of insulin. Check his glucose again in a few hours and see where he is to make sure he's not getting too low. If he does get really low, you can help bring it back up by giving some honey or Karo syrup.

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