Hello! I noticed this patch of what looks like dry flaky skin behind my cat’s ear. Any idea of what this may be? Thank you!
Updated On June 3rd, 2021
Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | Male | neutered | 2 years and 2 months old | 10 lbs
Answered By Lauren Jones VMD 119
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From the appearance in the picture, it looks as though Jet is missing a bit of hair from his ear in addition to the scaling skin. There are several possible causes for this scaling, including allergies, ringworm, and mange. As a starting point, make sure that Jet is receiving a good quality flea preventive. Advantage is a good OTC option, but your vet will have other prescription flea preventives, like Bravecto or Revolution. I also think it's worth having him examined by your vet, particularly because ringworm and one form of mange (scabies) can be transmitted to people and other pets. It's important to rule out those contagious issues! During a physical exam, your vet may recommend taking samples to examine under the microscope, as well as samples for a fungal culture to rule out ringworm. Then, based on their findings, they'll be able to determine the best course of treatment for Jet. I hope that everything goes well!
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