This spot started as a rash, we thought. 3-4 days it grown into this, no heat on the spot, she is favoring the leg, and slight fever to her. It's this a bot fly, a spider bite, or something worse? Can I use bag balm to help with the discomfort, and do I need to get her antibiotics? Closest vets 45 min and closed weekends, plus no car. I want to know how to take care of this so my dog doesn't possibly lose her leg or worse her life. I got her when she was 3, she is 6 now, she rescued me as well!
Updated On June 20th, 2021
Pet's info: Dog | American Staffordshire Terrier | Female | unspayed | 50 lbs
Answered By Penelope Graben, DVM 230
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Hello there, I don't see a photo attached to this message. My initial thoughts with your description is that Roxie likely has some type of infection, abscess, or growth on her leg. Its probably okay that she can't be seen today, but I'd start forming a plan to get her seen soon. I'd recommend getting Roxie in to be seen by her veterinarian, tomorrow at best, but definitely sometime this week. They can guide you best on diagnostics and treatments after physically seeing her. I hope this helps and that Roxie has something easily fixable. Best of luck to you two.
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