We're considering a dog for adoption; likely basset-beagle mix (foster maybe some terrier). We have three staircases in our 4-floor townhouse. Concerned that stairs would be bad for his back if he shares that problem with Basset hounds. Do you think he will have issues based on these measurements, and the photo attached? 15" Neck; 15" Front paw/leg to shoulder area; 15" Rear paw/leg to shoulder area; 27" Chest circumference; 23 1/2" Base of neck to base of tail.
Updated On July 28th, 2021
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 35 lbs
Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM 183
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Hello. I am so glad that you are considering adopting Bucephalus. You do not indicate his age, but I would not expect a young(er) & healthy dog like this to have any difficulties with the stairs. As he ages, arthritis might limit his ability to climb 4 stories, but this could be the case with about any other breed of dog. If you manage his weight so he does not get obese, & make sure he gets regular exercise to prevent early onset of arthritis, he should do just fine. Good luck & thanks for contacting PetCoach.
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