My 45 ib mixed breed 18 month dog is on trifexis. We are rving in a tick populated are and he has already had his trifexis on july 15th. Ive been told i can use frontline plus or k9 advantix for a solution for the tick issue. Is this a good option? It would only be for 1 to 2 months.
Updated On July 29th, 2021
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Male | neutered | 1 year and 8 months old | 45 lbs
Answered By Dr. Massimo Orioles, DVM, Cert AVP, MRCVS 77
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Hi and thanks for your request. The combination between Trifexis and Frontline Plus is safe and possible. Frontline plus is a fairly good repellent for ticks. Make sure you use it at the right dosage and with the right posology.
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