My 20 lb mix of Pomeranian, Terrier, had elevated white blood cells was on 100 mg of Clavamox, one night I gave it to him and them by accident my husband gave him 100 mg of Doxicyle which our other dog was on. Brewski didnt show any signs of overdose. No vomit, no diarrhea. I didn't contact the vet, if he showed any signs I would have. He was doing okay for the next few days, but on Thursday of that week he wasn't doing well at all and passed away that morning. Was the 2 antibotics toxic ?
Updated On August 17th, 2021
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Male | neutered | 15 years and 7 months old | 20 lbs
Answered By Leann Tana 268
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Hello, I am so sorry for your loss. Please, either way don’t beat yourself up about what could or couldn’t have happened. Just learn from this and contact a vet just in case, anytime something is given/eaten that shouldn’t be. Even if all you get is piece of mind, you won’t have to wonder. I can not find that specific name in a formulary but if it was doxycycline, that should not have caused an issue. If it was doxydyl (deracoxib), that would have been a very high dose and could have caused some life threatening issues. Even then, it may have been unrelated to medication or even the treated infection so it is important not to blame yourselves for the unknown.
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