My puppy got neutered on the 10th, so six days ago today. It’s been hard to keep her from being active and I just want reassurance that she is healing correctly. I thought I may see some liquid at the top? Is this normal? She also seems to have some swelling on one side.

Updated On September 16th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 2 months and 24 days old | 14 lbs

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Answered By Rodrigo Roca, DVM


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Hello, thank you for your question about Indy. Based on the photo you have provided I do see some discharge from her incision. Depending on the type of discharge it could mean different things in terms of healing. A small amount of clear discharge does not usually mean the incision has a problem or is not healing well. However, if this is from Indy licking at her incision that could cause the incision to fall apart. If the discharge becomes colored or odorous, or her incision becomes swollen and warm to the touch, that could indicate infection. It is still early in the healing process and restricted exercise is important to ensure everything heals appropriately. If you are struggling you may reach out to your veterinarian who may be willing to prescribe sedatives for recovery. If you have any concerns about the incision you could also have Indy seen for a recheck appointment. Hope this helps!

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