We have a 5 month old Tennessee Walker. We just picked him up from the rescue league with his shots being current. He vomited yesterday at approximately 5pm, and this morning at 11am. It appears to be mainly his food, Hills Science Diet for large breed puppies. Is this normal, should we get him to a vet, change his food?

Updated On September 24th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Treeing Walker Coonhound | Male | neutered | 5 months and 19 days old | 33 lbs

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Answered By Lauren Jones VMD


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Congratulations on your new addition! It's possible that Cooper's vomiting could be due to a diet change if his food was abruptly changed from what the rescue was offering. I think the Hill's Science Diet large breed puppy variety is a great well-balanced diet, but some dogs can get an upset stomach with sudden changes. If Cooper is still acting normally, drinking water, and interested in his food, I think it's reasonable to try offering him a bland diet of boiled white meat chicken and white rice for a few days before mixing this bland diet with the Science Diet puppy food over another 5-7 days. The bland diet should help to give his stomach some time to settle down. Since he currently weighs 33 lbs., you can offer 3.5 cups of a 50/50 chicken/rice mixture per day, but divide that up into 3-4 smaller meals. If he continues to vomit, refuses to eat or drink, becomes lethargic, or also develops diarrhea, you'll need to take him to a vet for further evaluation. I hope that Cooper feels better soon!

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