I found cat that was skinny and falls while walking. 5 days ago I found her under the car nonmoving and I took her inside. She smells bad urinate at least 2 times aday but no stool for 5 days.Can't stand up at all, only lying on side and I have to change her side every couple of hours after feeding her. I manually feed her since she can't stand or put her head up to eat. she eats about 1 spoon each time I give her food. I feed wet food every 2-4 hours. how can I help? can't go to vet
Updated On October 6th, 2021
Pet's info:
Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM 183
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Hello. I am so sorry for your worries with this kitty. Your picture paints a thousand words. This is a severely emaciated cat, & even with major medical care, she is very likely to die. When they get this bad, it is almost impossible to recover them. Keep doing what you are doing, but I am afraid there may just be too much damage for her body to ever get well. It is very kind & noble for you to help this poor animal. You have a very kind heart. Take care & thanks for contacting PetCoach.
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